
pink and red season is over

we are experiencing unexpected chilly spring days this year.
and, it has prolonged the life of 桜 (sakura: cherry blossoms)
and 椿 (tsubaki: camellia)s’ as well.
however, it is time for us to see them go.

while taking a long work the other day,
this scene reminded me of some artwork created by naturalist-artists,
like andy goldsworthy?

actually, i can’t be wrong.
i should look at this the other way round.
their artwork resembles and reminds us of the serendipitous beauty of nature.

anyway, spring seems to stay a little bit longer than usual,
which is pretty good.


Sandy Yang said...

Those colors are beautiful.
I like spring.

Les Cotrions said...

Faboulous photos Keiko! They truly looks like an art work!!!
Happy week end and enjoy spring time!

Unknown said...

We're also experiencing unexpected spring weather in California. At least yours results in more flowers. Ours is just rainy and wet. boo :(